Google Analytics 驗證問題!

不知道有多少人遇到這個問題。 在此服務剛開始幾天確實在網路上有很多人討論,有的還罵到臭頭說Google不會連簡單的壓力測試都沒做就推出服務吧,雖說是Beta 的服務,但也太砸自己的招牌了吧。
我在寫這帖時仍未完全正常,至少我們可以先將這個javascript code 放進去!

以下是官方的回覆,內容只有提到會克服延遲的事,驗證找不到code的問題(Tracking Unknown)卻沒有提到。



Thank you for your email.

I understand that you have some concerns about data not appearing in your account. We appreciate your interest in Google Analytics and hope to have your reports populated as soon as possible. Since we have received an unexpected demand for Google Analytics, there have been some delays reporting data since launch. I’d like to give you an overview of what to expect going forward:

– The “Check Status” feature is currently not accurate. If you added the code to your pages correctly, then we are collecting data. You can make sure by seeing if your site has set “_utm” cookies in your browser.
– If your reports aren’t currently populated, they will be as soon as the next processing run is complete. We process every 24 hours.
– You may see some reports within a profile before others. We’re populating reports like this to get you as much information as soon as we can. If you see this, rest assured that all applicable reports will show data soon.
– Once we catch up with the data for your account, you’ll see new reports every 24 hours.
For additional questions, please visit the Analytics Help Center at If you’re unable to find an answer to your question on our site, please feel free to reply to this email.

Analytics Support
Share your knowledge and learn from others at the Google Analytics Help forum:

以下是我利用Firefox的Web Developer 抓出來的畫面 (網頁資訊->檢訊Cookie資訊)!

PS: 11/21 後來又發現登入頁面中已經找不到 Add Website Profile的按鈕了,因為被 了…所以你刪除Profile又要加入,一般是沒有法子了…但如果你將圖二中的被Mark掉的部分貼到網址中的話,就可以”不正常”的方式進入Add Web site profile的介面.

PS2: 11/22 今天進去介面後發現有報告了,但我的Tracking狀態仍為 Unknown,所以囉不用管那個Tranking Status,只要你能確定瀏覽時會在你的機器中出現三個cookie那就會有資料了。



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