OVH 9月份新聞!

這是由Sale team發出的一些Note,

– Filling the last datacentre RBX4 has been faster than expected. So we’re looking at how to deal with this growth so we won’t run out of space toward the end of the year. We have several options that are being validated that will pass through innovative and technological breakthroughs. The goal is to have RBX4 move from 35,000 servers to 45,000, 60000 and 75000 servers. We’ll see the result of internal alphas. Worst case scenario we’ll build RBX5.

滿的太快了,RBX4才落成沒多久,又快滿了,8月份才慶祝10萬台主機! 用的人真的超多。 我的流量一天就差不多160-220G之間,不管我的Vnstat的計算! 所以真的能移到法國FR下伺服器會更好,原因如下。

– To set up the backbone in the United States and Asia, we ordered a lot of new routers. This equipment has taken (forever) 3-4 weeks to arrive and yesterday we received the last orders. We will now be able to finalise the configuration and then next week we’ll start deployments. This will allow us to establish new peering points in the United States and Asia and two new transit (and Level3 NTT), thus increase the capacity of our network to over 250 Gbps. As expected by the end of 2012, we will have > 1Tbps interconnection to the Internet.

要擴建至亞洲或美國線路,這是我們很樂意聽到的! 希望明年的1Tbps能夠真的實現,現在景氣那麼不好,OVH還能夠投資就真的可以看出來,公司有賺錢與想法。

– A few weeks ago, we celebrated 100,000 servers. We removed the cost of installation of all services at OVH. Since then we have a very sharp increase in abuse of all kinds (spam, attacks, scans). That’s why we changed our internal processes and for 1 month on dedicated server terminates the dice the second attack in less than 30 days. So we saw the number of attacks increase from 3-4 per week (with installation costs) to 5-8 per day (free installation) then the situation has stabilised for 2 weeks to 5 – 6 serious attacks per week. Basically, we react quickly and ruthlessly to clean up our network of all customers that would be hackers or with strange or borderline activities or who can not maintain adequate security on their infrastructure. With this less friendly approach, we have been able to keep (for now) installation costs to €0.

– In recent months, we have been working on the deployment of our services on North America. As it’s a large area, we know that we will have more datacentres. We are studying several sites to launch our first datacentre there. But in contrast to our competitors, the goal is not to go fast regardless of the cost but to go cheap, with large capacities of networks and service that are managed from start to finish by OVH. This approach allows us to be profitable from day one, even if this means we had to build one of the largest backbones in Europe and have to build more datacentres like RBX4. Saying that, this is not necessarily what we had initially thought when we did apt-get install apache .. earlier rpm-Uvh apache-1.3.4-1.i386.rpm. In short, we want to replicate our business model in its entirety because we think there will always be room for a serious player who have mastered their job, which is 2x to 5x less than the market and which does not charge for bandwidth. All this is thanks to the fact that we reinvest all profits into the future.

So where to deploy a datacentre? We think we should stay in the “North” of “North America”, ie.: not far from the US / Canada border. Why? Because energy is cheaper. It comes from dams on major rivers in Canada and the United States. It’s green, not expensive. Also, the cost of cooling servers is lower because, as it depends on outside temperature and as it is the north it’s cool and it costs less. Looking at the fibre-optic networks, distances and latencies, we will have to create about 4-5 areas to 15-20ms from each other. So yes there will be several datacentres. But if you look at the level of natural disasters it’s a good thing to be around the border as there are no earthquakes, no tornadoes, no volcanoes. Also it costs less to build and keep it running than in a risk area. One can then imagine then why we would settle down between Albany (New York), Montreal (Canada), Detroit (Michigan), Chicago (Illinois), Seattle (Washington) and / or Portland (Oregon). The notable exception is Texas, which provides cheap energy from oil locally, but where it is warm, there are tornadoes etc.. We continue our research, but it’s starting to take shape. If you have any ideas, please let us know. We should be able to ping our 1st servers with each other before continuing to the end of the year.

– 2 years ago, we knew that we needed to go the United States. We have launched internal reflections on how to organize ourselves in order to maintain a high speed of innovation while magnifying and chatting with customers with increasingly different motivations that are sometimes conflicting.
This led us to the creation of an “Interteam” which, across the board puts pressure on internal teams. Through two weeks of sprints this team is trying to pass through the the sysadmin and developer factory the needs of our customers, who have discussed with our customers on the mailing list, forums, twitter and marketing. The goal is to enrich our offerings every two weeks. One or more new features, new services, bug fixes. The goal is to offer services that come up to the real needs of our customers. The alphas, betas and prod, it’s our DNA since starting and that’s what sets the pace at OVH. Nothing has changed except that in 1999-2001 we felt what needed to be done in 2009-2011 when we were finally able to put the words on these methods. The Interteam is a photo of this very pragmatic organisation that’s been tested and validated for 9-12 months. It’s been working quite well, even if we have (often) some delays in prodding. However we’re advancing the service and we feel OVH is moving. It is reassuring enough to devote myself to the development of OVH on another continent and enrich OVH (in Europe) from another point of view. For those who doubt this is an expression I often say “the graveyards are full of indispensable people” or “it will not be worse or better, but different.” And even then, it will not differ. So to work

在〈OVH 9月份新聞!〉中有 2 則留言

  1. 大大您好

    1. 可能是你用的PHP不包含了 GD 用來畫圖型的執行庫..
      如果你用的是 ubuntu 可以利用 apt-get install php5-gd 安裝,並重新啟動 apache2! 當然瀏覽器裡的adblock不要擋到也是要留意的地方.
      或都你可以放置一個 xxx.php, 內容如下



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