免費美國OVH Alpha Test! (Got it)

只有1000台的試用,從昨天開始. 100Mbits 的頻寬,且因為在Alpha 測試階段如果有什麼停機幾個小時的情況,是不能有什麼異議的,當然這在TOS都有提到, 目前至少可以免費試個2至4個月.

OVH預計是在8月的時侯要正式開賣US的伺服器,OVH US 的Datacenter 正確來說是放在加拿大,但非常靠近美東好像只有幾十公里之遙,主要考慮地震或天災的因素才選擇在加拿大落腳。

  1. 那申購的位址是 http://www.ovh.com/us/ ,申購完成會有一個申購ID
  2. 加入 [email protected] ,請利用郵件軟體寄一封信過去,不用標題,不用內容
  3. 等一下會數到一封確認信,直接回覆即可,內容標題什麼都不要動。 完成加入
  4. 等待回應吧~ 我目前也在等 3/28日 12:12 PM 因為法國那目前是清晨還沒上班,另外才1000台也不知道搶的到還搶不到.


Update :  得到確認信了(  I got the confirmation.)


I applied the order at Mar/28 11:00(GMT+8) and got the server order confirmation around 20:00 the same day. It tooked almost 9 hours to get.

So If you apply a test order it probably have to wait at least 10 hours or half day. Good luck guys.  And, I also heard if you have dedi server in ovh or kimsufi maybe you have a higher chance to get test server, but not sure about this information.  Good luck you all.

The below is confirmation information in OVH manager so you have to check your manager from time to time.

The server OS is Cent OS according their form, and not sure if I can change it to the familiar OS and not get any server information yet but form.



Update2(Mar/29 15:05 GMT+8): It seems 1000 servers has been sent out. They said maybe have second run but it just a rumor not confirm by OVH.

OVH had serious route problem yesterday noon, and my server had been affected as I can ssh login to my server at least two hours.


Update3(Mar/29 23:50 GMT+8): From ovh us mailing list,

As of now: (Mar/29 21:00 GMT+8)
Total orders: 924
Validated: 670
Delivered servers: 76

So, it still has a chance to apply test server from OVH. Hurry guys.


Update 4(Mar/30,23:00 GMT+8): The application of Test is closed.






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