OVH US Alpha Server installation note!

For Standalon Server (Ubuntu 10.04 TLS) w/ NeatX ,真的我覺得比VNC好用多了! 又走SSH的協定中間加密,在公共區域上網時安全許多。 有遠端桌面幫助不少,一來可以有Browser上傳到Google Drive  再來也能跑Speedtest 提供證明給一些人!

– add user

– ssh deny root login, sudoer
– change timezone and install desktop environment , chinese support and input method

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-desktop gnome-terminal language-pack-zh-hant language-pack-zh-hant-base
sudo apt-get install -y firefox-locale-zh-hant
安裝 NEATX – install free Neatx (前面的軟體要先安裝完成)
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freenx-team
sudo apt-get install neatx-server

– install denyhosts 主要是防止他人利用暴力猜密碼的方式猜測登入資料

– vi /etc/hosts.allow add your home pc 把自己IP加入到允許列表裡,不然很高的機會自己被 denyhosts給攔阻。

– install firefox

-sudo apt-get update-manager

– sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

  •  10.04 TLS
LANGUAGE="zh_TW:en" or LANGUAGE="zh_TW:zh"
  • above 11.04 should change /etc/environment

– install flash for speednet

For Ubuntu VM or Linux VM

1. Setting up Network ( 192.168.0.x),當然這個內部網段的規劃,是視需要192或10的都可以。

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

2. apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade

3. dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

4. locale-gen zh_TW.UTF-8

5. add NAT entry to Proxmox host,so that you can login this VM.

5. copy authorized_keys to root or other account’s .ssh directory, and check the file permission mode is 600, You can login without typing password then.

6.gen rsa key if you need to rsync files from remote server

ssh-keygen -t rsh

7.apt-get -y install sudo vzquota nano perl curl denyhosts

8. add you control ip to /etc/hosts.allow otherwise you might have change been blocked by denyhosts

9. using shell script to install the program you want or can read the article I wrote.

10. Change back to vim ,don’t like using nano!

update-alternatives  --all
update-alternatives  --config editor


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