Zombie Spammer! Using Maia to Stop Spam.


Zombie Spammer!

最近收到不少各戶發spam的警告,警告信多數從spamcop寄來。經查後,我相信有部分的用戶是因為中了後門而被當成zombie,才發送Spam的;且都是中的神不知鬼不覺,商用的掃毒軟體掃到破皮了還是找不到 。但它們的機器只被用來寄Spam嗎?.未來可能還有更慘的事吧;如果電腦主控權都在別人手上了 🙁
事實如真是這樣管理者要做的事反而不只是停他們權重灌電腦而已,反而要教育用戶才是…只是能夠救的人還是不夠被感染的速度呀! Orz…

而公司內部是使用 amavisd-new-2.2.0 (20041102) + Maia Mailguard 1.0.0 RC5 + Spamassassin 3.001000,我們阻擋率還不錯98.9%以上.幾乎都沒有收過..只有正常信被擋住的,只要下次加入白名單就好了..

    Maia Mailguard發展的有點慢.但我們用RC5就很快樂了.當然還是希望用的人也多一點..那之前提到的Nopam仍未下手去測試..因為急迫性沒那麼高…ccc
    其實也還有一套叫Mailzu 的也可以參考看看.但Maia作者說它與 Mailzu的定位不太相同..那不相同的地方我也沒有多去研究了.

    New zombie spam technique may send spam levels through the roof

    ISPs say they are aware of the growing problem, and are taking steps to counteract it. One possibility would be requiring authenticating to SMTP servers for outgoing mail, a step Earthlink has already taken. However, it would be a relatively trivial matter for malware writers to pilfer e-mail account passwords from zombies. Another option would be limiting the number of e-mails an account can generate in a day, which is the route Road Runner has chosen.Here’s another suggestion — take those people whose zombie PCs are responsible for producing the spam off the ntework until they can clean up their act (and PC). Sure, it will result in irate customers who are upset that they can no longer get online. But perhaps being forced offline will help reinforce the need to pay attention to security, a crucial aspect of computer ownership many are all too happy to ignore.

    PS. 今天中午去游泳.那個女生高手沒來了.我想前幾天可能是剛好來到水藍天吧!?…可惜了..it’s a pity!


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