
去年底最後一天出現的漏洞.今早終於有patch了,不然一堆資安專家.為了這些還丟出了unoffical patch…因為他們急了.
家裡的電腦也要復原了..之前為了這個洞還把 shimgvw.dll 給unregister and rename.
在同一天就出現三個exploit code,雖然二者是PT project所丟出的東西,但第三個卻是有攻擊性的碼了.同樣當天某些地區的網站就有攻擊頁面了.


Microsoft released the patch as security professionals started to take the software giant to task for what they perceive as a slow response to a critical security issue. The flaw in the WMF format concerned many security experts over the holidays because the vulnerability can be exploited in Internet Explorer by serving up specially-crafted images from a malicious Web site. The Mozilla Corporation’s Firefox browser does not immediately run code but reportedly asks permission to display the malicious images.

PS: 這裡有蠻詳細的解說(PDF)WMF: patches and workarounds explained


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