最近把老婆不用的Aspire One A150D (AOD150) 拿來安裝 Linux Mint LXDE,接上家裡的24吋LCD與USB鍵盤,
在把筆電的螢幕閣起來時,卻發現CPU的使用率突然由1x%升到100% ,造成系統最後當機。
剛開始還不道是螢幕閣起來的緣固,在網路上查了加上用 top後發現 kworker 這個執行軟體佔用了幾乎所有的CPU,在網路上就說到在閣起螢幕時,Aspire one的BIOS會不停的送出中斷(close interrupt)給OS,造成CPU全被拿來處理這原本不用處理那麼多次的事。
網路上有方法利用USB製作開機磁碟的,但這些程式需要在XP執行起來問題會少一點. 已打包在 http://ul.to/t1n49e6p (All necessary files are packed into this file)
其中共有 2個目錄,分別是BISO (放置BISO升級所用的TOOLS) and VFD 模擬出虛擬 FDD
Using VFD to simulate one virutal FDD(floppy) to your desktop pc, this program better runs in XP Extract boot98sc.exe to Virtual FDD that you simulated, most of time is Drive A Using HPUSBFW.exe to build you own bootable USB stick and please note that the data store in USB will be complete erased. Copy Netbook firmware and tools to USB stick. Boot from USB and flash your netbook bios, done.
因為曾經使用開機光碟但不知什麼原因 Aspire one A150D 就是會卡住,光碟在DELL筆電就沒問題,所以才會想用USB開機.
I notice the usage of CPU runs soaring high while closing the lid since installed Linux Mint LXDE on Aspire one. And, finally I realized the reason from one article, all you have to do is checking your AO bios version. If you have older version bios you could upgrade it and may fix in no time. If you cannot back to Windows to flash your bios then you can boot from USB stick instead. You can download the above link which contains all the files you need to build bootable USB stick.
The original bios version of my AO netbook is 1.03 then upgrade to 1.11, you can get the most up-to-date bios version in acer official site and the tools for flashing bios either. You probably wonder why we need to bootable USB or disk, that’s because most of notebook vendor only provide flash tools run under DOS or Windows environment, sadly right. None for Linux.