Blackberry: How to insert “Pause” to phone book

The following steps detail how to insert a pause when creating a phone number link in a meeting request or email message.

The pause is represented by a comma  (,) and the wait event is represented by an exclamation mark (!).
Note: In order to use the wait event make sure that the prefix Tel: is used.
  1. Compose new meeting request or email message.
  2. Type a phone number anywhere in the email or in the Notes field of a meeting request.  Use the prefix Tel: with no spaces.
  3. For any pauses required by the phone system, utilize a comma symbol.
  4. Formatting must be exactly as shown below, ensuring no spaces between the Tel: and the start of the phone number,


The string shown here would dial 1234567890, pause, enter 1, pause, and then enter 12345.  Such pause breaks can allow sophisticated commands on a phone system.

Also the following format will also work where the Hash (#) is sometimes necessary to be added at the end of a conference code number:


It is also possible to omit the prefix Tel from the number and still be able to click on the phone number link. However, this capability will be dependent on the model and Device software version of the BlackBerry® smartphone


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